I Asked God (Kirk Kilgour)

wordart ADL

I asked God to make me strong
To carry out marvellous plans:
He has made me weak to preserve me humble.

I asked God to make me healthy
To carry out great exploits:
He’s given me pains to make me understand health better.

I asked Him richness to own everything:
He has made me poor so I could not be selfish.

I asked Him Power
Because men would need me:
He has given me humiliation because I would need them.

I asked God everything to enjoy life:
He has left me my life because I could appreciate everything.

Lord, I have not received what I asked,
but you has given me what I needed
and quite against my willing.

The prayers I did not say were answered.

Be praised my Lord, among the men
None has what I have!

Kirk Kilgour was a USA Volleyball athlete. He came to play in Series A in Italy in 1973. Due to a training accident he became paralyzed on his limbs. He passed away in 2002, he remains in history for his profound humanity in front of suffering.


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