Manifesto on discrimination and harassment due to motherhood.

On the occasion of the day against violence against women, The Women of the World Platform condemns all forms of violence, especially the ones produced within the home, a privileged place for full personal development.

We affirm that there is also another type of violence, an invisible one that, however, affects a large social majority: a violence against maternity. 

Considering that

– Women are not discriminated today in Western countries for being a woman but for being, or intend to be, a mother.

– Motherhood – and family for instance –  is undervalued in the labour market, it gives its back to the everyday reality of workers. This leads to personal frustration, depression and a very serious drop in birth rates.

Motherhood enhances the development of human abilities that can be considered as a plus in personal development and in the professional career performance, beyond the temporary damage that may result from a maternity leave.

– A high rate of women has suffered some kind of harassment or discrimination at the workplace due to motherhood.

– The exclusive dedication to the family is also a cause of discrimination against women due to motherhood, as they are condemned to social death and their priceless contribution as a social engine is systematically ignored.

We demand:

1.– The legislative recognition of maternal harassment as a specific figure of labour discrimination against women because of their maternity

2. Taking the necessary measures to prevent discrimination at the workplace due to maternity and favouring the recognition of the family as a social, personal and professional benefit.

3.- The creation of a registry of persons with exclusive dedication to the family that grants computable credits for the purpose of retirement and sick /maternity leave that would also translate into tax benefits for companies that hire those who have them in order to favour the return to work life.



Blessed are the poor in spirit – Isaac of Stella


I believe in prayer (Father Andrea Gasparino)