Protection and prevention of human trafficking in Albania (TIP2018)

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The government maintained victim protection efforts. The government and NGOs identified 105 potential trafficking victims (95 in 2016). Of these, 49 were adults and 56 were children (51 adults and 44 children in 2016), 80 were female and 25 were male (84 females and 11 males in 2016), and nine were foreigners (eight in 2016). Seventy-nine were identified as potential victims and 26 were officially identified as victims (62 potential victims and 33 officially identified victims in 2016).

A multi-disciplinary national referral mechanism (NRM) provided standard operating procedures (SOPs) for identifying and referring victims to services. The government, with the support of NGOs, reactivated mobile identification units in three regions, but the unit’s sustainability was uncertain due to a lack of permanent staff, formalization, and resources; mobile identification units identified 26 potential victims. Additionally, the government referred 60 potential victims, civil society referred 16, and three self-identified.

Observers reported police did not consistently identify trafficking victims among individuals in prostitution, and the labor inspectorate lacked the training to identify victims of forced labor. Similarly, identification efforts for forced begging remained inadequate, particularly among unaccompanied children, street children, and children moving across borders for begging. First responders referred potential trafficking victims to law enforcement and state social services, who conducted a joint interview and provided official victim status. The law provided equal services for both potential and officially recognized victims.

The government operated one specialized shelter and supported three specialized NGO-run shelters. The government provided 20.2 million lek ($182,640) to NGO-run shelters to support 29 staff salaries, compared to 15.3 million lek ($138,340) to support 24 staff salaries in 2016. The government used 4.7 million lek ($42,500) in 2016 and 2017 from the special fund of seized criminal assets to support services. It also provided 5.5 million lek ($49,730) for food support to NGO-run shelters, compared to 1.8 million lek ($16,280) in 2016.

However, the government reorganized the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and State Social Services into the new Ministry of Health and Social Care, which contributed to delays in funding, including funding for staff salaries and food support. NGO-run shelters operated under financial constraints and relied on outside sources for operating costs; government financial mechanisms intended to partially fund these shelters remained complicated.

The four shelters comprised the National Coalition of Anti-trafficking Shelters (NCATS), and victims who required services not available in one shelter were referred to another shelter within the coalition. The NCATS provided assistance to trafficking victims, including food, counseling, legal assistance, medical care, educational services, employment services, assistance to victims’ children, financial support, long-term accommodation, social activities, vocational training, and post-reintegration follow-up. The government provided free vocational training, textbooks for child victims, and health cards that provided free access to health care; however, the government offered limited reintegration support and did not provide funding for reintegration services.

Experts reported first responders often referred individuals that were not trafficking victims to the government-run shelter, including individuals with mental health issues or victims of other crimes. NGO-run shelters supported 71 trafficking victims and potential victims (75 in 2016), and the state-run shelter supported 30 (30 in 2016). NGO-run shelters allowed adult victims to leave the shelter voluntarily, but the state-run shelter required victims to seek approval from the shelter’s director. One NGO-run shelter provided specialized services for child victims under the age of 18, and male victims were provided with rented apartments where they received assistance from NGOs.

Foreign victims had access to the same services as domestic victims, and the law provided foreign victims a three-month reflection period with temporary residency status and authorization to work for up to two years. The government granted residency to six foreign victims in 2017 (none in 2016). Observers reported professional staff and good quality of care at NCATS shelters but noted low staff levels at the government-run shelter after staff were transferred to the domestic violence center, and the facility required renovations.

The government penalized one victim for an unlawful act committed as a direct result of being subjected to trafficking; as in similar cases in past years, authorities convicted an officially identified trafficking victim for prostitution and sentenced her to eight months of probation. The government may have deported, detained, or restricted the freedom of movement of some trafficking victims due to inadequate identification efforts. The Special Court for Prosecution of Organized Crime (SCPO) possessed equipment that allowed testimony via video conferences, and victims who testified against traffickers had access to the witness protection program; one trafficking victim participated in the program.

The government adopted several laws strengthening child protection within the criminal justice system, such as requiring the participation of a psychologist in criminal proceedings involving children. Twenty-three trafficking victims cooperated with law enforcement in investigations and prosecutions; however, the government did not consistently apply victim-centered investigations and prosecutions. Law enforcement did not consistently offer sufficient security and support, victims and their families received threats during court proceedings, and some victims appeared in front of their traffickers in court, causing re-traumatization. Victims could obtain restitution from the government or file civil suits against traffickers, but no victim had ever received restitution.

The law provided repatriation assistance to Albanian citizens identified abroad. Four potential victims were repatriated from Germany, Kosovo, the Netherlands, and Norway (none in 2017).

The government increased efforts to prevent trafficking. The government allocated 5.7 million lek ($51,540) to the Office of the National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator (ONAC) in 2016 and 2017. The national action plan expired in December 2017, but ONAC, in cooperation with an international organization, convened three meetings with stakeholders to begin developing a new plan. ONAC continued to publish regular activity reports on its website and held four meetings with stakeholders involved in the NRM.

Observers reported prosecutors rarely attended NRM meetings. Twelve regional anti-trafficking committees (RATC), comprising local officials and NGOs, worked on prevention and victim assistance. The prime minister issued an order to strengthen the RATCs by mandating government agencies’ participation, including social services, law enforcement, labor inspectors, and health representatives.

ONAC and national anti-trafficking coordinators from Montenegro and Kosovo signed a joint declaration ensuring the application of a unified SOP for victim protection and assisted voluntary repatriation. ONAC, in cooperation with civil society, conducted a month-long awareness campaign and separate awareness campaigns targeting students and teachers. ONAC also conducted informative meetings with representatives from the Romani and Balkan Egyptian communities. The hotline received six trafficking-related calls, which were referred to law enforcement.

The government did not make efforts to regulate or punish labor recruiters for illegal practices that increase migrants’ vulnerability to exploitation abroad. Labor inspectors did not have authority to inspect informal work activities, including unregistered businesses. The government conducted awareness campaigns on sex tourism but did not take steps to reduce demand for forced labor. The government provided anti-trafficking guidance for its diplomatic personnel, and the national coordinator briefed Albanian diplomats stationed in nine cities on human trafficking regulations.


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