I became pro-life 20 years ago, 5 minutes after my baby was painfully removed from my body. As far as I know, pro-choice women ruined my life through abortion. They lied about me to minimize the consequences of the abortion. I told no one about my abortion and it took me 10 years to find a way out.
When I recovered and got over the abortion, pro-life women rushed to my side and pulled me out. Pro-life women were not who I thought they were. I had false preconceptions about the character of pro-life women. I assumed that they were all bigoted, radical, critical, self-righteous, and indifferent to my well-being. I assumed that these women were very conservative, wore protest signs on their wombs, and always carried model embryos and rosaries in their bags. These stereotypes are the main reason I identify myself as pro-choice. I don’t want to live, talk, or dress like these women.
What do you know about pro-choice women? Most of these women have had abortions. Pro-life women come from a variety of religious and ethnic backgrounds. Some are vegetarians, some have tattoos and blue hair. Some are atheists, Muslims, lesbians, and even Democrats and feminists! Some women carry expensive handbags, some carry shopping bags.
This year alone, pro-life women have closed abortion clinics, changed policies, opened pregnancy clinics, produced pro-life films, cared for post-abortion women, found new jobs for abortion workers, cried and prayed with women, met with Biden and Trump, educated women about abortion, educated women about their babies’ lives. We fought everywhere to save her. Despite what the media would have you believe, the numbers continue to grow. I am one of them. I am happy and proud.