I danni dell’utero in Affitto – Bibliografia

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  1. Avner Offer. (1997). Between the gift and the market: the economy of regard. Economic History Review, 50(3), pp. 450-476.
  2. L.Del Savio , G. Cavaliere .2016 Surrogacy The problem with commercial surrogacy. A reflection on reproduction, markets and labour. 10.15168/blj.v0i2.154
  3. Bellieni C. (a cura di). (2011). Sento dunque sono. Sensi e sensazioni del feto. Siena, Cantagalli.
  4. Cohen G., Coan T., Ottey M., & Boyd C. (2016). Sperm donor anonymity and compensation: an experiment with American sperm donors. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, pp. 1-21. doi:10.1093/jlb/lsw052. Link
  5. Gui B., Sugden R. (eds.). (2005). Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for Interpersonal Relations. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  6. Mieli G. (2017). Il bambino non è un elettrodomestico. Milano, Feltrinelli.
  7. Myrskylä M., Margolis R. (2014). Happiness: Before and After the Kids. Demography, 51, pp. 1843–1866. DOI 10.1007/s13524-014-0321-x.
  8. Paul L.A. (2015). What you can’t expect when you’re expecting. Res Philosophica, 92(2), pp. 149-170. Link
  9. Chiedu Eseadi, Wilfred Iorfa Achagh,(2015) Prevalence of baby factory in Nigeria: An emergent form of child abuse, trafficking and molestation of women
  10. Rocchi B. (2019). Il bambino nella filiera procreatica. Profiling. I profili dell’abuso, 10(4). Link
  11. Rotabi K.S., Mapp S., Cheney K., Fong R., McRoy R. (2017). Regulating commercial global surrogacy: the best interests of the child. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 2, pp. 64–73. DOI 10.1007/s41134-017-0034-3. Link
  12. Smolin D.M. (2016). Surrogacy as the Sale of Children: Applying Lessons Learned from Adoption to the Regulation of the Surrogacy Industry’s Global Marketing of Children. Pepperdine Law Review, 43(2), pp. 265-344. Link
  13. Piccini M. (2019). AAA Ovodonatrici cercasi. Elle, 18 maggio, pp. 86-87. Link
  14. Frullone R. (2023). Utero in affitto. Dal Kosovo all’Ucraina così reclutano le “cicogne”. Il Timone, n.228, maggio, pp. 10-13.
  15. Lorenzo Tondo and Artem Mazhulin. (2023). ‘The bombs won’t stop us’: business brisk at Ukraine’s surrogacy clinics. The Guardian, 26 luglio. Link
  16. lya Gridneff, Emily Schultheis, and Dmytro Drabyk. (2023). Inside a Ukrainian baby factory. Politico, 23 luglio. Link
  17. Caterina Giojelli. (2020). Come scintilla lo squallido mercato dei figli. Tempi, 4 luglio. Link
  18. Oksana Grytsenko. (2020). The stranded babies of Kyiv and the women who give birth for money. The Guardian, 15 giugno. Link
  19. Avner Offer. (1997). Between the gift and the market: the economy of regard. Economic History Review, 50(3), pp. 450-476.
  20. Gui B., Sugden R. (eds.). (2005). Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for Interpersonal Relations. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

La proposta del Prof. Bellieni per i neonati: il pain principle per misurare il dolore


Alziamo la voce contro lo sfruttamento (Esohe Aghatise)