It would seem legitimate that we ask ourselves about our future, about what we are going to make of our life. Some people turn to astrology, fortune telling/clairvoyance, or numerology, etc, to find answers to pressing situations or as an antidote against fear of the future. Although these practices are beliefs more or less based on scientific data, they interpret the facts in a very irrational way.
- Astronomy, for example, is a scientific discipline; astrology is a superstition, indeed even a deception: the data traditionally used is unreliable when we take into account, first of all, that during the last two centuries three new planets have been discovered in the solar system (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). Secondly, the position of the zodiac signs vary gradually in relation to the axis of the Earth. The results show that astrology is based on data which, scientifically speaking, is not reliable. For example, what credibility can be given to interpretations that are offered in a birth chart?
- Indeed, interpretation in itself poses a problem: every interpretation is done in relation to a table of reference. However, there exist several schools of thought, which interpret the astrological data in different ways. Why trust one school rather than another? We can even suspect the interpretation to draw nearer to divination. What motives are behind it?
- We can still admit that the astrologist’s predictions have worked for such and such a person. It is not inconceivable that one or another of the large number of so-called predictions can come true. It may also be that the person who consulted the “seer” had been fascinated and was taken in by the prediction (see the story on the next page!) Let us not forget that fortune tellers are capable of understanding the client’s anxieties, expectations and even some important personality traits by mere observation: this is not clairvoyance, but simply a little psychology.
- What could be more natural than to ponder over our future? But can the fear of tomorrow justify the renouncement of our freedom? Through fortune-telling, we hand over the freedom to decide for our own lives to someone else. Even though we know how we don’t like to let ourselves be influenced by others, we are frightened of uncertainty, of the unknown. But instead of inventing our own security, shouldn’t we be looking further and searching to understand better where our security truly lies? If we don’t know why we were made, then it is no wonder we are afraid of tomorrow.
Personal Experience
For a long time I was enthralled by astrology. I was convinced that it was a very reliable source of knowledge. While I was taking correspondence classes to become an astrologist, more and more people asked me to do their birth chart. Then one day, a woman, whose husband had just separated from her, came to me. She wanted to know if there was any hope that he would come back. I did her birth chart, and recognizing that a period of change was announced, I made her understand that maybe she should turn to other things This was a terrible shock for me. Had I not, by my predictions, influenced this woman and contributed in part to pushing her to despair? Instead of helping her to face the present moment, did I not crush her with the revelations of a hypothetical future? From that day on, I never touched astrology again.

Credits: www.ilestvivant.com –
Agreement 25/7/2023
with Emmanuel Community https://emmanuel.info/